NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Consent Lifecycle
  • Consent Experience
  • Authentication
  • Consents
  • Agreements
  • Webhooks
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Example object

        "action": "create|invite|find|withdraw",
        "payload": {"object_with": "instructions"}

    Example response

        "status": "ok|fail",
        "messages": "If status is fail, then this is the error message",
        "data": [{"object": "..."}]

    Welcome to the Konsento API! You can use our API to access and work with consents for your organisation.

    We have examples for cURL (Python coming soon). You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    The Konsento API is accessed via HTTPS and is REST:like, all requests need to be a POST and you tell the API what you would like to do by POSTing instructions. All requests should return a HTTP 200 message

    Consent Lifecycle

    The lifecycle of a consent is pretty standard, first you create an agreement for which you seek individuals consent to. Then you collect the consent from the individual and make sure to capture any evidence as proof that the individual did concent. Each agreement can have several options for the individual to consent to, for example Email and SMS marketing. Then one of two things can happen, either the consent expires or the individual withdraws their consent.

    Consent Experience

    There are two great ways for you to use the API, one would be to asynchronuosly send a consent invitation to an individual were Konsento will ask the individual for their consent. The e-mails and consent page will of course contain your logo (if you upload it). This is probably the quickest way to get started.

    The other way would be to completely control the consent experience from within your application. Then you will need to store some additional information about your consents. By doing this Konsento will not send out any e-mails to your individuals asking for their consent because You are responsible for that process.


    All API requests must have a Authorization header

    # With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
    curl "api_endpoint_here"
      -H "Authorization: Token super_secret_key"

    Make sure to replace super_secret_key with your API key.

    Konsento uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can generate a Konsento API key at your Konsento User Profile log into Konsento and click on your email address in the top right corner. Then click on the link to generate your private API key.

    Konsento expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

    Authorization: Token super_secret_key


     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "invite", 
         "agreement_id": 1, 
         "recipient_primary_email": "", 
         "name_of_individual": "Your Invited User", 
         "meta_data": {"custom_field": 222} 

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

       "message":"Invitation sent"

    You can easily trigger a consent invitation via the API, this is instead of uploading or adding users via our web interface. Konsento will then send out a Consent invitation e-mail and ask the individuals for their consent on your behalf.

    You can add your own logo and text to the e-mails and the consent page that the user is asked to navigate to.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    agreement_id int The agreement you want a consent for
    name_of_individual str The name of individual you are inviting
    recipient_primary_email str The email adress to the individual you are inviting.
    recipient_secondary_email str optional Another email to send to, for example to a guardian
    meta_data {} optional A objects containing your own data that we will filter against.
     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "create", 
         "agreement_id": 1, 
         "recipient_primary_email": "", 
         "name_of_individual": "Your Invited User", 
         "meta_data": {"custom_field": 222},
         "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},
         "evidence": {"collected": "in_app", "when": "at_registration"}

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

       "message": "Created"

    Do you want to fully control the consent process? Then this endpoint is for you! Create consents and provide the evidence and we will store and manage it for you. No consent invitation will be sent out by Konsento when you create a consent this way.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    agreement_id int The agreement you want a consent for
    evidence {} An objects containing your own consent evidence data.
    meta_data {} optional A objects containing your own data that you can filter against.
    options {} optional A objects containing the options in the agreement that the individual has accepted.
    name_of_individual str optional The name of individual you are inviting
    recipient_primary_email str optional The email adress to the individual you are inviting.
    recipient_secondary_email str optional Another email to send to, for example to a guardian
     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "withdraw", 
         "consent_id": 1, 
         "evidence": {"collected": "in_app", "when": "at_cancel_account"}

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

       "message": "Withdrawn"

    You can withdraw a given consent, very useful when you want to control the consent management process in your own application.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    consent_id int The consent id
    evidence {} An objects containing your own consent evidence data.

    Find Consents

    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Token super_secret_key"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
      -d '
            "action": "find", 
                    "agreement_id": 1,
                    "created": {"gte": 1521525316 }

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

                    "name_of_individual":"Name of Invited User",
            "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},
                        "name":"Membership agreement",
                        "name":"My Organisation",

    This endpoint retrieves consents baseds on your search query..

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    agreement_id int If set all consents for specific agreement will be returned
    name_of_individual str If set we will match the given name.
    recipient_email_primary str If set we will match the given e-mail address.
    status int You can filter consents based on their status.
    created {} A objects containing 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte' of UNIX timestamps
    meta_data {} A objects containing your own data that we will filter against.
    options [] An array of integer, the agreement option keys that the individual has accepted.
    curl ""
      -H "Authorization: Token super_secret_key"
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
      -d '
            "action": "get", 
                    "consent_id": 10,

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

         "name_of_individual":"No No",
        "name":"Membership agreement",

    This endpoint retrieves a specific Consent.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    consent_id The ID of the consent to retrieve
     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "delete", 
         "consent_id": 1, 
         "evidence": {"collected": "in_app", "when": "at_cancel_account"}

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:


    You can delete consents, what happens is that the consent receives a status of DELETED.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    consent_id int The consent
    evidence {} optional An objects containing your own consent evidence data.
     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "update", 
         "consent_id": 10, 
         "meta_data": {"internal_id": 21313233},
         "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

         "name_of_individual":"No No",
         "meta_data":{"internal_id": 21313233},
         "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},
            "name":"Membership agreement",

    You can delete consents, what happens is that the consent receives a status of DELETED.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    consent_id int The consent
    meta_data {} optional Meta data as a object. We will overwrite the meta_data with this new object!!
    options {} optional The agreement options that the individual has consented to. We will overwrite the options with this new object!!
    status int optional You can change the status of a Pending:1, ACCEPTED:2, REJECTED:4, DELETED:8
    evidence {} optional An objects containing your own consent evidence data.

    If changing status you must supply a evidence


    List all agreements

     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "list", 
         "organisation_id": 1, 

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

                "name":"User Consent Public",
                   "name":"Demo Organisation"
                "text": "<p>You're someone who cares about our cause! We'd like to contact you in the future with vital appeals, campaigns, information about how you can help and saving lives. Please let us know that you are happy to be contacted in the ways listed below. </p>",
                "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},

    You can list all your agreements, some information is excluded for brevity sake and if you want to access the full details of an agreement you will need to use the "get agreement" action.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    organisation_id int Your organisations ID to get agreements for

    Get agreement details

     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "get", 
         "agreement_id": 5, 

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

          "name":"User Consent Public",
             "name":"Demo Organisation"
             "document":"<url to document>",
             "logo":"<url to logo>",
             "email_body":"This is the e-mail message sent out if your are using the Konsento process for collecting consents."
          "text": "<p>You're someone who cares about our cause! We'd like to contact you in the future with vital appeals, campaigns, information about how you can help and saving lives. Please let us know that you are happy to be contacted in the ways listed below. </p>",
          "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},
          "meta_data":{ }

    You can view an agreements full details, uncluding the agreement text using this enpoint.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    agreement_id int The agreement you want details for

    Find Agreement

     -H 'Authorization: Token super_secret_key' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '
       "action": "find", 
         "context": "demo",
         "name": "User" 

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

                "name":"User Consent Public",
                   "name":"Demo Organisation"
                "text": "<p>You're someone who cares about our cause! We'd like to contact you in the future with vital appeals, campaigns, information about how you can help and saving lives. Please let us know that you are happy to be contacted in the ways listed below. </p>",
                "options": {"1": "e-mail","16": "SMS"},
                "meta_data":{ }

    You are able to search for agreements using parameters, the API will return a list of agreements matching your query.

    HTTP Request


    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    name str Name that we will search against, we do a case-insensitive containment test.
    context str, [] Case sensitive search for one (string) or more (array) contexts.
    meta_data {} A objects containing your own data that we will filter against.


    Webhooks are structured as

            "evidence": {"collected": "in_app", "when": "at_registration"}

    You can receive webhook for consent lifecycle events

    Data Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    consent_id int If set all consents for specific agreement will be returned
    timestamp int UNIX timestamp
    meta_data {} A objects containing your own data that we will filter against.
    activity str The action, can be: consent-withdrawn, consent-given, consent-will-expire


    The Konsento API should always return a HTTP 200 and within it display any encountered errors

    Error Code Meaning
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
    404 Not Found -- The specified url could not be found.
    429 Too Many Requests -- You're performing too many requests. Slow down.
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.